Nowadays its all different, when I wake up in the morning I help myself to a cup of coffee before I sit down and read the emails in my constantly overflowing inbox, trying to sift the relevant stuff from all the global emails (I really don't care if the red astra reg no a123 456 has left his lights on) and spam which fills it. At lunchtime I enjoy taking a bit of time out to read the daily news and sports headlines and in the evening I often make a phone call home, today was no different, but...
I couldn't help asking myself as I flicked through the raft of depressing news stories on the BBC website "is this really better?" Over the last couple of trips we have suffered some fairly catastrophic failures of our satellite system* which has rendered us unable to communicate by telephone without great expense, without internet and without email and to be honest its only really the email that I have missed. Oh don't get me wrong, its great to be able to speak on the phone but its not vital, email is a fact of life nowadays and it is difficult to achieve anything work wise without it, its also great to get personal emails and to know that everything back at home is OK, but its no replacement for real letters on real paper with your girls scent on them so you are instantly taken to another place when you open the envelope. No I don't miss it that much.
Speaking of the news, obviously the biggest story of the day for us based in the UK was the chancellors first budget... Is there any truth to the story that Golden Brown asked for his budget speech with the immortal line "Chancellor Darling, will you now make your budget announcement"? I hope so!

OK so they can't but I mean come on! Not content with destroying local pubs with its blanket ban on smoking our delightful nanny, sorry government now wants to price people out of boozers too... Keep 'em off the streets and save money on coppers... hold on is that the thought police I hear coming down the street...
There was one nice story in the news today though which I thought I would share with you just because it made me smile... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7291501.stm

Dan assures me that this is because all Kiwis are essentially nice mammals...
1 comment:
What is that huge phelic symbol in the first photograph? and is that what the dolphins are running away from in the bottom picture?
So many questions swirling about my head...!
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